EuroCOP President Calum Steele has today addressed the EU Home Affairs Commissioner Yvla Johansson regarding Ukraine and CEPOL.
The letter reads:
Dear Commissioner Johansson,
Ukraine and CEPOL
I refer to the above and to the invasion of the sovereign territory of Ukraine by Russian military personnel.
Clearly this is a wholly unacceptable act of aggression and brings much uncertainty to the people of Ukraine, and those of us who have family and friends in the region.
It is clear however that all possible actions must be taken to ensure no sense of legitimacy or succour can be claimed by the Russian regime due to inadvertent actions (or inactions) of European Institutions currently in the occupied Donetsk and Lanansk (Donbass) regions of Eastern Ukraine.
You will be aware that CEPOL supports law enforcement training at the Donestsk Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the Lahansk State University of Internal Affairs.
It is clear that Russia has exerted pervasive influence in the Donbass for some considerable time and I trust the potential for this to have been applied to these institutions has been properly considered by CEPOL.
On behalf of police officers across Europe, I urgently request a review of the activities of CEPOL in the Donbass be undertaken immediately. It would be nothing short of a perversion if European Institutions were found to be directly or indirectly giving legitimacy or funding to a regime intent on war on our continent.
Yours sincerely,
Calum Steele