The Excom of EuroCOP have taken the decision to cancel the EuroCOP Congress which was scheduled to take place between the 22nd – 25th November 2020.
The health, safety and wellbeing of our members and attendees, and ultimately their families and colleagues at our congress is our primary focus, and this has been the paramount thought process in coming to this determination.
The potential for possible quarantine on entering Scotland/UK or when returning to your home countries, makes the Congress in this format not feasible. Put simply postponing this physical event is the right thing to do during this historical period.
Arrangements will be put in place to hold a limited digital Congress with Member organisations on Tuesday 24TH November 2020, further details of this event will follow in due course.
Please do not hesitate to contact me should you require further information as to the Excom’s rationale and determination in this matter.
Thank you for your patience, understanding and commitment to EuroCOP;in what we are all collectively trying to achieve for the benefit of Police Officers and the Police Service across the European landscape.