“It has been an honour and privilege to represent my colleagues.”
EuroCOP wishes to bid a fond farewell to outgoing President Angels Bosch as she stands down from the role.
At the EuroCOP Congress held digitally yesterday, Angels stepped down from her role of President which she has held since 2015. Angels will now sit on the Executive Committee of EuroCOP.
In her final speech, Angels said “I have been part of this organisation since 2002 and I can assure you, without any doubt, that EuroCOP has never been in such a strong position or listened to at such high level in the European Institutions as it is now. This is the product of work, dedication and engagement.
“It doesn´t matter whether you do it for five or fifty years. When you represent your colleagues, the objective is but one: to serve them. To serve them from a double perspective: being useful, remaining at their service and working to make their lives better (on a material and non-material level), hoping that others will continue your actions.
“The past five years have been exciting and tough for us all: the years of the unprecedented migration crisis; Brexit; the most savage jihadist terror attacks carried out in Europe – which some of our colleagues payed costly-; the raise in violence against law enforcement; ever-growing disinformation; COVID-19. All these events impact our daily work and you have to add the lack of resources the majority of European police forces face, caused by the years of economic crisis that preceded.
“It has been an honour and privilege to represent my colleagues through these challenges, together with the colleagues composing the ExCom during these years. A team that deserves utmost recognition for the achievements reached during this period. EuroCOP had never before achieved so much with so little.
“I would like to thank all of you who have accompanied me during these years, making this outcome so positive. Thank you for your work and inspiration. Thank you for your support and criticism. I, personally, have worked to the best of my capacities and capabilities, and remembering that I am a police agent in very decision I took.”
EuroCOP Head of Office, Nigel Dennis, said “It has been a privilege to work in partnership with Angels as President of EuroCOP.
“The welfare of Police officers across Europe has always been at the centre of Angels focus in carrying out her role, and she has shown great determination in maintaining this conversation within the political arena in which EuroCOP operate in.”
Calum Steele, former Vice President of EuroCOP and General secretary of the Scottish Police Federation takes over the role as President from 24 November 2020.