Sindicato dos Profissionais de Polícia
Siat Sindicato (SIAT)
Sindicatul Democratic Al Politistilor (SIDEPOL), Romania
Sindicato Nacional Da Policia (SINAPOL)
The Finnish Police Union / Suomen Poliisijärjestöjen Liito SPJL, Finland
Gibraltar Police Federation, Gibraltar
Gibraltar Defence Police Federation, Gibraltar
Landssamband Lögreglumanna (LL), Iceland
Association of Garda Sergeants and Inspectors (AGSI), Ireland
Police Federation of Northern Ireland (PFNI), Ireland
Kosovo Police Service Syndicate (KPSS)
Latvijas Apvienota Policistu arodbiedriba (LAPA), Latvia
Latvijas Iekšlietu darbinieku arodbiedrība
Lietuvos VRS Respublikiné Profesiné Sajunga (LVRSRPS), Lithuania
Malta Police Union, Malta
Police Officers’ Union, Malta
Politiets Fellesforbund, Norway
Odborovy zväz Policie vsr (OZP), Slovak Republic
Union de Policias (UPOL), Spain
ELA-Ertzaintza Basque Country (Spain)
Ertzainen Nazional Elkartasuna Sindicato Independiente de la Policia Vasca, Spain
Confederación sindical de comisiones obreras (FSC-CCOO)
Svenska Polisförbundet, Sweden
Scottish Police Federation, United Kingdom
British Transport Police Federation, United Kingdom
Civil Nuclear Police Federation (CNPF), United Kingdom
Defence Police Federation (DPF), United Kingdom
Politiforbundet i Danmark, Denmark
Garda Representative Association (GRA)
Police Firearms Officers Association
EuroCOP believes that “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. By becoming a member of EuroCOP, national police organizations effectively have the opportunity to make their voice heard at the European level. The increasing influence and access that EuroCOP continues to gain at the EU level, brings value added support to our members by raising common national concerns before an influential and high-level audience. EuroCOP also provides its members with a platform for exchange of views and best practice sharing with a view to moving Europe closer to a Common Culture for Law Enforcement.
Information on the formal membership requirements can obtained from the secretariat by email.
EuroCOP believes that “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. By becoming a member of EuroCOP, national police organizations effectively have the opportunity to make their voice heard at the European level. The increasing influence and access that EuroCOP continues to gain at the EU level, brings value added support to our members by raising common national concerns before an influential and high-level audience. EuroCOP also provides its members with a platform for exchange of views and best practice sharing with a view to moving Europe closer to a Common Culture for Law Enforcement.
Information on the formal membership requirements can obtained from the secretariat by email.
EuroCOP believes that “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts”. By becoming a member of EuroCOP, national police organizations effectively have the opportunity to make their voice heard at the European level. The increasing influence and access that EuroCOP continues to gain at the EU level, brings value added support to our members by raising common national concerns before an influential and high-level audience. EuroCOP also provides its members with a platform for exchange of views and best practice sharing with a view to moving Europe closer to a Common Culture for Law Enforcement.
Information on the formal membership requirements can obtained from the secretariat by email.