1. EU decision makers should address the increasing problem of violence against police officers. This deteriorating situation has been routinely ignored for too many years. As a first step, EuroCOP is calling to establish a central repository of data in the EU as regards incidences of violence against police officers. Collection of data at EU level would help understand the roots of the problem, exchange best practices between Members States and adapt safety awareness training programs for police officers.
  2. In order to secure continuous recruitment and retention of police officers in EU Member States, EuroCOP believes that it is indispensable to guarantee to them fair working conditions and social rights. EuroCOP is calling on EU decision makers to provide police officers with appropriate support, training and resources needed to carry out their duties and to guarantee adequate wages, working time provisions as well as mental health support.
  3. EuroCOP sees urgent need in enhancing common trust between Members States and their authorities and to facilitate cooperation and information exchange between police forces in Europe. EuroCOP is calling on future decision makers to remove any obstacle that hampers police cross-border cooperation and strengthen cooperation with regards to migration crisis, human and weapon trafficking, terrorist threats and eco-crime.