Press Release: European Parliament calls on the Commission to increase its support for sectoral social dialogue committees
Jonne Rinne […]
EuroCOP News letter April / May 2023
EuroCOP News Roundup – April-May 230522 The EuroCOP April / May 2023 Newsletter is the first of our newsletters from our new lobbyists EuroTran. This newsletter focuses on topics ranging […]
Joint letter from the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Partners Review of the rules on the financing of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees
Dear President von der Leyen, The Communication on Strengthening social dialogue in the European Union: harnessing its full potential for managing fair transitions of 25 January 2022, states, amongst others, […]
European Parliament draft motion for a resolution on strengthening social dialogue- rules on the financing of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees
Luxembourg , 2nd May 2023. Honourable Members of the European Parliament, Honourable Members of the EMPL Committee The European Confederation of Police (Euro COP), the voice of European police officers, […]
Joint Project EPSU EuroMILL & EuroCOP – on Trade Union Rights in the Public Service
Joint Project EPSU EuroMILL & EuroCOP – on Trade Union Rights in the Public Service More here
“Human beings, not punchbags” Gibraltar Police Federation push for stricter sentencing on emergency workers
Gibraltar Police Federation is pushing for stricter sentencing for those who assault emergency workers, saying that police officers are “human beings, not punchbags”. Maurice Morello, Chairman of the Gibraltar Police […]
Sweden: There needs to be more focus on violence against officers
There needs to be more focus on violence against officers, the Swedish Police Federation has said. Katharina von Sydow was elected Chair of the Swedish Police Federation (Svenska Polisforbundet) in […]
Open letter from the European Sectoral Social Partners Review of the rules on the financing of the European Sectoral Social Dialogue Committees
Open letter from the European Sectoral Social Partners to Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis & Commissioner Nicolas Schmit European Commission regarding the Review of the rules on the financing of the […]
Shortage of police officers and rise in assaults against police are growing concerns for Slovakian Police Federation.
A shortage of police officers and a rise in assaults against the police are growing concerns for the Slovakian Police Federation. Pavol Paračka, Chair of the Slovakian Police Federation (Odborový […]
European Trade Union Federation on the anti-strike legislation in the UK – Bin It!
European Trade Union Federation on the anti-strike legislation in the UK – Bin It! The European Trade Union Federations (ETUFs) representing tens of millions of workers across all countries and […]